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T-Shirt & Tote bag design Steps

Have you received one of our t-shirt or tote bag making kits? Here's what to do:

1. Make sure to keep the large sheet of paper in between your t-shirt or bag. This will make sure your design won't bleed through to the other side! It will also mean you can paint on both sides! Maybe put your name on the back??

2. Take a piece of scrap paper and start drawing out your design. Make sure you do a nice big design so there is plenty of room to paint it in and to add any detail. You'll want people to see your design from afar!

3. Copy your design onto your T-Shirt or tote using a pencil. Hold the fabric nice and tight to avoid getting wrinkles when you draw. Go over the pencil with your fabric pen.

4. Then use your fabric paint to paint in your design - be careful as it will stain your clothes if you get any on you. Maybe wear an apron or something old before painting.

5. Once everything is dry, pop an old tea towle over the top and iron. This will seal your design and ensure nothing will wash away!

6. Wear it and show off all your hard work! Good job xxx


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