Salt dough making & Easter egg hangers!

Today's make is salt dough- this is super easy to make and can be used to make lots of different things! PLUS you'll probably already have all of the ingredients!
You can use it like a playdough, roll it out for handprints (or pet prints in our case!) or make these cute egg hangers in time for easter!
Here is our video tutorial on how to make the salt dough:
What you'll need is:
Method: Measure out your flour and salt. Pop all of your dry ingredients into a bowl and stir. Add 1/2 cup of water, super slowly. Use a fork or spoon to stir while you keep adding the water bit by bit. Once all of the water is gone, get your hands in and start to knead and bring the mixture into a ball. You can add a little more water if you need to.
- If you would like to do handprints, double or triple the ingredients depending on the size you need. This dough made 3 eggs and 1 plaque.
What you'll need is:
Salt dough
Baking paper
Chop stick or paint brush end
Rolling pin or bottle
String or ribbon
1- Take a piece of baking paper and lay it down on the table. Drop your ball of dough onto the paper and pat down. Then use a rolling pin to roll out a sheet of dough. To get an even sheet, make sure to roll from the inside out and keep turning your dough each time you roll until it's about 0.5cm thick.
2- Draw your egg design onto a piece of card and cut it out. These can be used as your egg template each time you cut.
3- Lay this down onto your dough and use a knife to cut around. Use some water on your fingers to take away any rugged edges, or pinch down the edges.
4- Use a chop stick or paint brush end to make a hole in the top.
5- Place back onto the baking paper and onto a tray in the oven for 2-3 hours at around 100 degrees. Keep checking to make sure it doesn't over cook/goes too brown.

6- Once this is out of the oven let it cool down, then paint and decorate however you like. We went for sprinkles and paint splodges. You could even do chick or bunny finger prints! Then, tie your sting or ribbon into a loop through the hole. That's it, it's ready to hang up!

Family handprints? Or pet prints? Here's Buddys paws!
